Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's the first full day of fall today.

It's a beautiful day but very fall like, no surprise! The days are definitely getting shorter and the farmers market is coming to a close.  I am going to be changing the Waggin' Tail hours in October, we will add another evening on Fridays and start closing Tuesdays.  I need to have another day off to take care of all of my other 4 legged creatures.  That means our hours of operation will be Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 11-5 and Thursday, Friday 11-8.  As the weather cools we will be adding the "Soup of the Day" for our canine friends and  Gourmet Hot Chocolate for humans. Our evening workshops will be starting in October and running once a month unless there is demand for more and don't forget to start planning your costumes for our "Howl"owe' en costume party on October 29th. Look for next months newsletter and check on "Sparky Taylors" Facebook page for updates on our happenings...................Oh yeah! We are also going to be carrying the tasty and nutritious "Riplees Ranch" dog and cat food starting in the next few much to remember!
Check tomorrow for some new photos from September.

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